This book by Pierce Brown is a dystopian science novel where humanity has spread across the Solar System. Humans are assigned by birth a color, which then determines their roles in society, their jobs, and what benefits they get. Darrow, the main character is a Red, the lowest color in the hierarchy. The Reds live in horrible conditions and are used for nothing except manual labor. Darrow spends his life mining underneath Mars for ore so that humanity can settle and live on Mars. However, after he commits the crime of burying his wife, he gets arrested. A group of people fake his death and show him that Mars has been habitable for many years. They then ask him to infiltrate a Gold school, where golds, the highest rank are taught to lead. Darrow has to figure out a way to succeed in the school and try to overthrow the Gold reign.
This book was very good. I would rate it 9.5 out of 10. It is great for anyone who is a fan of Hunger Games, science fiction, and action.